Why is a Smart City a necessity?


Why is a Smart City a necessity?

India has a population of over 125 crore, and the most densely populated areas in the country are its top 50 cities. Then why the need to create 100 new smart cities when India already has these many? The answer follows. Urbanization accompanies economic development as countries move from being primarily agrarian economies to industrial and service sector dominant ones. It is the urban areas that provide the agglomerations required by the industrial and service sectors. This trend of urbanization is an unremitting process. Urbanization in India
  • Total Population- 125 crore
  • Urban population – 31%
  • Urban areas contribution to GDP – 60%
  • In 15 years, urban areas expected contribution to GDP – 75%
The above facts prove why cities are referred to as the ‘engines of economic growth’, and ensuring that they function as efficient engines is critical to our economic development. It is believed that 90% of the world’s urban population growth will take place in developing countries, with India taking a significant share of that. The trend of urbanization that has been seen in India over the last few decades is expected to continue for some more time. And hence, the center has comes up with this idea of developing 100 new smart cities in the country.