Smart Cities Infrastructure

Institutional Infrastructure It refers to the activities that relate to governance, planning and management of a city. The new technology (ICT) has provided a new dimension to this system making it citizen-centric, efficient, accountable and transparent.  It includes the participatory systems of governance, e-governance, inclusive governance, the sense of safety and security and the opportunities for creativity. Physical Infrastructure It talks about its stock of cost-efficient and intelligent physical infrastructure such as the urban mobility system, the housing stock, the energy system, the water supply system, sewerage system, sanitation facilities, solid waste management system, drainage system, etc. which are all integrated through the use of technology. Social Infrastructure Social Infrastructure relate to those components that work towards developing the human and social capital, such as the education, healthcare, entertainment, etc.  It also includes performance and creative arts, sports, the open spaces, children’s parks and gardens.  These together determine the quality of life of citizens in a city. It is also necessary that city promotes inclusiveness and city has structures which proactively bring disadvantageous sections i.e. SCs, STs, socially and financially backwards, minorities, disabled and women into the mainstream of development. Economic Infrastructure For a city to attract investments and to create the appropriate economic infrastructure for employment opportunities, it has to first identify its core competence, comparative advantages and analyse its potential for generating economic activities. Once that is done, the gaps in required economic infrastructure can be determined. This would generally comprise the following:
  • Incubation centres
  • Skill Development Centres
  • Industrial Parks and Export Processing Zones
  • IT / BT Parks
  • Trade centers
  • Service Centres
  • Financial Centers and Services
  • Logistics hubs, warehousing and freight terminals
  • Mentoring and Counselling services