Know Smart Cities Various Definitions

The various definitions: Many countries around the world have either developed smart cities or are in the process of developing them. Depending on the needs and demography of the region, many countries and organizations have created their own definition of ‘Smart City’.   Let’s look at a few: Innovation and Skills considers smart cities a process rather than as a static outcome, in which increased citizen engagement, hard infrastructure, social capital and digital technologies make cities more livable, resilient, and better able to respond to challenges. -The UK Department of Business   Smart City is the effective integration of physical, digital and human systems in the built environment to deliver sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive future of its citizens. -The British Standards Institute   A smart city makes optimal use of all the interconnected information available today to better understand and control its operations and optimize the use of limited resources. – IBM   A smart city adopts scalable solutions that take advantage of information and communications technology (ICT) to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of life. – CISCO   A city is Smart when investments in human and social capital and traditional (Transport) and modern (ICT) communications infrastructure fuel sustainable economic development and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory action and engagement (Caragliu et al, 2009). – Wikipedia   A Smart City delivers public and civic services to citizens and businesses in an integrated and resource efficient way while enabling innovative collaborations to improve quality of life and grow the local and national economy. – Accenture